Course Demos

Course: Negotiation Essentials- How to bargain

About Course: This introductory course takes the Learner through the types of questions to ask and how to use open, closed, leading and hypothetical questions as well as how to read a Supplier’s body language. Learners will be shown how to make concessions such as who makes the first offer, trade minor issues and saying yes. Then they will be able to apply tactics such as low ball/high ball, what-if, bluffing and expose supplier tactics.

Course: Lean Warehousing Part 3

About Course: In this advanced course, the Learner will be shown the importance of visibility to Lean, using the 5S methodology and how to effectively use the PDCA cycle for continuous improvement.

They will understand Lean Culture and the six characteristics used by Toyota in their culture.

Course: Overcoming Objections Essentials

About Course: This introductory course provides learners with fundamental techniques for overcoming objections. After all, the salesperson's value comes from being able to turn a 'no' into a 'yes'. Learners will be able to determine what an objection truly is rather than what it appears to be on the surface. Then, they will be able to apply proven techniques to overcome objections in order to move the sale forward.